Entries from 2024

Tech Notes: the BitLadle Project

Saturday, August 3, 2024

There's a lot of various stuff going on behind the scenes at SpoonStack, most of which isn't really stuff I've talked about anywhere - but that's exactly why I wanted to start this Dev Blog! This entry will be a bit on the tech-heavy side, so feel free to skip it if programming nerdity isn't your thing. There'll be more accessible updates about our work over time, too.


Today I want to talk a little bit about a project I'm very excited about, called BitLadle. BitLadle is designed to be a toolkit for creating highly efficient server software, with a Disability-Driven Development twist.

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How Technology Really Gets Created

Monday, July 15, 2024

When I was a little girl, I was briefly obsessed with space travel and astronauts and rockets. It didn't take long for me to come to grips with the fact that it was incredibly unlikely I would ever be an astronaut, so I decided to dream about being close to space travel in some other way instead. Some part of me understood that even though the astronauts were the famous ones, nothing they did would be possible if nobody put fuel into their rockets.


So I imagined being the person in charge of putting fuel into the rockets. That was my first dream job.


Of course, the adults around me reacted to this dream with derision, mocking and shaming me for my "small" (albeit imminently attainable) dream. I gave up on that idea fairly quickly, and even though I hurt, I was quietly assuming that someday, I too would be Grown Up enough to understand why they thought that job was less important than an astronaut's.


Many years later, I had a career making computer software. And I learned that the Grown Ups around me still had absolutely no idea what jobs are actually important.

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Introducing the SpoonStack Dev Blog

Monday, July 8, 2024

As we continue to pursue the ideas of SpoonStack and the concept of Disability-Driven Development, it's become clear we need a place to talk about our ongoing efforts and progress.


This is that place! Going forward, you can expect occasional updates, news, and various musings about our work in this space. In keeping with the theme of doing work while being disabled, there will be no predictable schedule or regular plan for this development blog. Instead, we'll post what we can, as spoons allow, and as things happen that are worth sharing.

Read the rest of Introducing the SpoonStack Dev Blog...