Introducing the SpoonStack Dev Blog

Written Monday, July 8, 2024

As we continue to pursue the ideas of SpoonStack and the concept of Disability-Driven Development, it's become clear we need a place to talk about our ongoing efforts and progress.


This is that place! Going forward, you can expect occasional updates, news, and various musings about our work in this space. In keeping with the theme of doing work while being disabled, there will be no predictable schedule or regular plan for this development blog. Instead, we'll post what we can, as spoons allow, and as things happen that are worth sharing.


Some of our ideas for this space include more technically-focused "deep dives" into what we're creating, as well as general status information and updates on our work with various other efforts and communities. But if there's one thing we've learned from 18 months of Disability-Driven Development, it's that there's no telling where the creative process will lead us... so who knows! We'll find out together, as we get there.


For now, thanks for following along, and being a part of the SpoonStack story. Stay tuned - it's just getting good, and there's so much more to come!